Thursday, 13 September 2012

2T's Body Painting Rep

Orangeville Wall Mural

This was A wall Mural piece  I've been completing  in Orangeville.  The front of  the Gas Station/ store was  Airbrushed to bring up the stroes beauty.  The side wall  is the war scene of world war 1 and was done as a memorial for the Soldiers who fought for our freedom in Canada.  

Artist: Jordan Henry
Name of this Painting is Getaway Oasis
Custom Painting size 21' by 32' 
Media isWater based Acrylic paints

Custom Cross Tattoo

Custom Airbrushed Portraits

Custom Airbrushed Portraits

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Orangeville Art work

Whats up Everyone! This guy loved his Tattoo> while I was up in Orangeville.  Phill wanted me to create a tattoo that was a skull  jester and some how have his children's initials in there, so this is what I custom drew for him.  It took 5 hours of actual ink work. Probably one of the longest sessions I've ever seen someone go under the needle. "wow" bigg-ups to Phill for that.