Thursday, 13 September 2012

2T's Body Painting Rep

Orangeville Wall Mural

This was A wall Mural piece  I've been completing  in Orangeville.  The front of  the Gas Station/ store was  Airbrushed to bring up the stroes beauty.  The side wall  is the war scene of world war 1 and was done as a memorial for the Soldiers who fought for our freedom in Canada.  

Artist: Jordan Henry
Name of this Painting is Getaway Oasis
Custom Painting size 21' by 32' 
Media isWater based Acrylic paints

Custom Cross Tattoo

Custom Airbrushed Portraits

Custom Airbrushed Portraits

2T.INK Add

Orangeville Art work

Whats up Everyone! This guy loved his Tattoo> while I was up in Orangeville.  Phill wanted me to create a tattoo that was a skull  jester and some how have his children's initials in there, so this is what I custom drew for him.  It took 5 hours of actual ink work. Probably one of the longest sessions I've ever seen someone go under the needle. "wow" bigg-ups to Phill for that.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Hulk Madness

This Custonm -Shirt was done at my studio for a Gentlemen who runs an arcade store.  He was impressed so he got another one aswel. He is looking to get his metal door airbrushed of Gocu charging up as a supersayin.

Ella's Colorful bird rib Tattoo

This piece took a great deal of time and effort but as you can see It was well worth it!

Monday, 7 May 2012

China White's Sleeve


         A Friend out of T.O. China White is  curretly on his way To stardome.   The Young Star Rapper in coallition with WORDLYFE has been planning  to get complety sleeved Up By summer 2012, and is not far from that.  He's Just about to add  3 nicley placed detailed  doves flying upwards from the CN tower on his bisep.  I did most of the Tatts ur seeing now cause he doesnt let anyone else tatt his skin.  That its not good to get different artists to work on one sleeve because artists have differnt styles and it looks weird when there combinded on the skin.  Stay tooned for the next addition to His Sleeve. He's talking about getting a chest piece in the near future next.

                                                  Quote: Rick Ross "Tatts All on my arm"

Abrahams Ak-47

         While working at the fleamarket, alot of crazy things are always happening.  That was exactly the situation when a guy was passing by, It was crazy because was looking for a really good  artist. He saw the sickest portrait being made and said, " I was the right guy he was looking for. 2 hours later he came back with a army long sleve and a wicked looking picture of a AK 47.  He asked if  I could work with this, I was like, "For sure, why not". The next week when He got his order back, he was amazed and said that he would be back with another custom design nexy week. I was like."Any time my G"

What do yall think of it?
                                                Rip Tupac . This Ones for you My G .

         My homie Jay wanted to create an amazing art piece on his wall up in Scartown. He had a empty white blank wall just waiting to be sprayed up,  so he called me up and brought me to the seen. He seen this picture of one of his album covers and asked me to blow up this picture.  I  took the job and ran With it . It took Me 2  days but it was worth it .  Now he wakes up to that image of Tu pac everyday and apriciates how real it turned out,, he almost couldn't believe it, he was blown away.  He only paid $850, it was more than what he could ask for so you know it was well worth it. Respect my G.